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ARENA is the main content of PROJECT XENO, where XENO players from around the world can compete in real-time battles. By winning battles while there is space available in the Treasure Stock, players can acquire Treasures that contain a wide variety of rewards. ARENA is a place where all players can engage in battles without any fees or restrictions, and can battle as much as they want, whenever they want. Each player is assigned an Arena Class based on the number of trophies they have, which changes based on their battle performance. The amount of rewards dropped upon winning battles increases or decreases based on the assigned Arena Class. Rewards such as skill cards, NFTs, and tokens can be obtained from the rewards(Treasure, NFTBOX, drops) earned from winning battles in the ARENA.
Skill Cards, Gold, and materials to level up XENO are contained and can be acquired from Treasure. There are various types of Treasures, such as those that are more likely to contain Skill Cards of specific rarity, as well as Gold. After setting up an opening time for Treasure, players can obtain rewards after a specified waiting time.
The number of Treasures that can be held is limited by the available number of storage (Treasure Stock). The maximum number of Treasure Stocks can be expanded by increasing the number of XENO (NFT) held. Additionally, after setting up an opening time for Treasure, players can obtain rewards after a specified waiting time. However, it is also possible to open it without waiting by using the Utility Token (UT). The maximum number of Treasure openings can also be expanded by increasing the number of XENO (NFT) held.
Limited Arena is a battle mode that prioritizes fair competition among all players with equal rules, emphasizing the e-sports aspect of the game. Unlike the Arena Battles, competing for trophy, Limited Arena has restrictions on the level of XENO and skill cards that can be used. XENO and skill cards higher than the restricted level will be temporarily lowered to the restricted level in Limited Arena. ※The actual level will not change, only adjusted to the restricted level in Limited Arena. ※Limited Arena is a content planned for implementation in future updates.